
wealthAPI tool: Portfolio Tracker

Analyze. Optimize. Invest.

The wealthAPI Portfolio Tracker allows for the automatic import and performance tracking of a wide range of investments. Additionally, customers can manually create virtual portfolios to explore investing in a risk-free environment.

wealthAPI Portfolio Tracking


Empower your clients with the ability to perform in-depth portfolio analysis, whether for individual holdings or their entire portfolio. Our platform’s flexible filtering and grouping options – by region, sector, risk level, return, currency, and more – enable investors to gain a deeper understanding of their assets and make informed investment decisions. This provides them with valuable insights to optimize their investment strategy.


Additional Functionalities

Diverse import options, broad coverage and support for cryptocurrencies

Wir unterstützen die Anzeige einer Vielzahl von Anlageklassen, darunter Aktien, ETFs, Fonds, Anleihen, Zertifikate, Edelmetalle, Fremdwährungen, Sachwerte/Immobilien sowie Robo- und Vermögensverwaltungen. Auch für den Bereich Kryptowährungen sind wir bestens aufgestellt: Wir liefern Krypto-Stammdaten, Logos und historische Krypto-Kurse.

Der Import der Depots ist unkompliziert und flexibel möglich: automatisch, manuell, per PDF oder CSV. Beim PDF-Import können unbegrenzt viele PDF-Dateien gleichzeitig hochgeladen werden, die pro Datei aus bis zu 99 Seiten bestehen können.

Best APIs to neo-banks

wealthAPI provides access to over 3,500 bank and broker connections. Direct connections with wealthAPI's proprietary interface exist to Trade Republic, Scalable Capital, flatex, finanzen.net zero, Smartbroker+, Bison, Binance, Kraken, and justTRADE.

Data Security

Protecting your customer data is our top priority. As a BaFin-regulated Account Information Service, we operate in accordance with German banking security and data protection standards as defined by the ZAG. Our internal processes are continuously checked for compliance and security.

Learn more

Well-established compliance


Maximum security standards


Hosting in Germany

How much does it cost to integrate with wealthAPI?


Our modular SaaS pricing offers you everything you need to integrate a portfolio analysis solution. Choose from pricing plans tailored to your company size, ranging from pure financial data access via API to bundled options including our industry-leading asset analysis tools.

see pricing

Note for developers

Simple integration of the wealthAPI tools into your systems via our wealthAPI

You’ve already integrated wealthAPI data into your platform? Then you can seamlessly integrate any wealthAPI portfolio analysis tool into your existing systems as well.

Read our API documentation

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